What is Section 508?
Section 508 is a part of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 which requires that electronic and information technology developed, procured, maintained, or used by the Federal government be accessible to people with disabilities. On August 7, 1998, the President signed into law the Workforce Investment Act of 1998, which includes the Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1998. Section 508 was originally added to the Rehabilitation Act in 1986; the 1998 amendments significantly expand and strengthen the technology access requirements in Section 508.

How do these changes to Section 508 improve upon the earlier version?
The 1986 version of Section 508 established non-binding guidelines for technology accessibility, while the 1998 version creates binding, enforceable standards and will incorporate these standards into Federal procurement regulations. Federal agencies will use these standards in all their electronic and information technology acquisitions. Consistent government-wide standards will make it easier for Federal agencies to meet their existing obligations to make their technology systems accessible to people with disabilities, and will promote competition in the technology industry by clarifying the Federal market's requirement for accessibility in products intended for general use. The new version of Section 508 also establishes a complaint procedure and reporting requirements, which further strengthen the law.

To whom does Section 508 apply?
Section 508 applies to Federal departments and agencies.

Does Section 508 apply to the private sector?
No, it does not regulate the private sector and does not apply to recipients of Federal funds.

What does Section 508 require of Federal agencies and departments?
Section 508 requires that when Federal agencies develop, procure, maintain, or use electronic and information technology, they must ensure that it is accessible to people with disabilities, unless it would pose an undue burden to do so. Federal employees and members of the public who have disabilities must have access to and use of information and services that is comparable to the access and use available to non-disabled Federal employees and members of the public.

How will Federal agencies and departments know whether the electronic and information technology is accessible?
New standards have been established to help Federal agencies determine whether or not a technology product or system is accessible. Federal agencies must comply with these technology accessibility standards for all electronic and information technology acquired on or after six months from the date the Access Board issued its final standards (December 21, 2000). Technology developed or acquired for a Federal agency by a contractor must also comply with the standards. If a Federal agency determines that it would pose an undue burden to comply with the standards, it must still provide information and data to individuals with disabilities through an alternative means of access that can be used by the individuals.

How will these technology accessibility standards be developed?
The Board was required to issue standards that define which electronic and information technology is covered by Section 508, and describe what is meant by `accessible technology' by setting forth the technical and functional performance criteria necessary to implement the accessibility requirements. The Board was required to consult with the Departments of Education, Commerce, and Defense, the General Services Administration, the Federal Communications Commission, the electronic and information technology industry, and disability organizations in developing its standards. The Access Board created an Electronic and Information Technology Access Advisory Committee (EITAAC) to advise it on the standards. The Committee's final report was delivered to the Board on May 11, 1999. On March 31, 2000, the Board published a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking based on the Committee's recommendations.

How will the standards be applied to federal procurement?
Six months after the Access Board published the final standards, the Federal Acquisition Regulatory Council is required to revise the Federal Acquisition Regulation and each Federal department or agency shall revise the Federal procurement policies and directives under their control to incorporate the standards. The Access Board will periodically review and update the standards as necessary.

What are Federal agencies required to do in the short term to comply with Section 508?
Agencies must evaluate their current electronic and information technology systems for accessibility to individuals with disabilities, and submit a report to the Attorney General containing the results of the evaluation.

What reporting requirements does Section 508 create?
The Attorney General must submit a report to the President on the extent to which the electronic and information technology of the Federal Government is accessible to individuals with disabilities. The Department of Justice issued its report April 19, 2000. In addition, every two years thereafter the Attorney General must report to the President and the Congress on Federal agency compliance with the requirements of the law, and on any actions on individual complaints.

Where can Federal agencies go for technical assistance?
The General Services Administration and the Access Board will provide technical assistance on the requirements of Section 508. Agencies and individuals may also seek information from the many public, non-profit, educational, or private institutions and organizations that specialize in making technology accessible to people with disabilities. These organizations, along with companies in the electronic and information technology industry, can assist agencies in identifying innovative technology or in developing accessible technology solutions.

Are there any exemptions to the technology accessibility standards?
A Federal agency does not have to comply with the technology accessibility standards if it would impose an undue burden to do so. This is consistent with language used in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and other civil rights legislation, where the term `undue burden' has been defined as "significant difficulty or expense." However, the agency must explain why meeting the standards would pose an undue burden for a given procurement action, and must still provide people with disabilities access to the information or data that is affected.
Section 508 contains a limited exemption for national security systems as defined by the Clinger-Cohen Act of 1996. These are systems used for military command, weaponry, intelligence, and cryptologic activities. The exemption does not apply to routine business and administrative systems used for other defense-related purposes or by defense agencies or personnel.

How will Section 508 be enforced?
Because the Section 508 standards will be incorporated into the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), agencies' procurement of accessible technology will be subject to the same stringent compliance and enforcement mechanisms as other parts of the FAR.
There is an administrative complaint process which becomes effective six months after the Board issued its final standards. It enables any individual with a disability to file a complaint alleging that a Federal department or agency has not complied with the accessible technology standards in a procurement made after that date. The complaint process is the same as that used for Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, for complaints alleging discrimination on the basis of disability in Federally-conducted programs or activities. It provides injunctive relief and attorney's fees to the prevailing party, but does not include compensatory or punitive damages.

What is meant by "electronic and information technology"?
The Access Board defined "electronic and information technology" consistent with the Clinger-Cohen Act of 1996. That Act defines "information technology" to include "any equipment or interconnected system or subsystem of equipment, that is used in the automatic acquisition, storage, manipulation, management, movement, control, display, switching, interchange, transmission, or reception of data or information." It includes computer hardware, software, networks, and peripherals as well as many electronic and communications devices commonly used in offices.

Does Section 508 apply to Web sites of federal agencies?
Yes. Federal agencies which provide information to the public or to their employees through Web sites must ensure that such sites are available to all persons with internet or intranet access, including persons with disabilities.

Does this requirement also apply to commercial or private sector Web sites?
No. Section 508 does not apply to a private sector Web site unless such site is provided under contract to a covered entity. For example, a Federal agency might contract with a consulting firm to collect and analyze some demographic data and make that information available to the public on a Web site. In that case, the Web site or portion devoted to fulfilling the contractual obligation would be subject to Section 508. The firm's general Web site, or the portion not devoted to the contracted study, would not be subject to Section 508.

Does this mean Web sites can't have graphics?
Not at all. Actually, designing an accessible Web site is not as difficult as most people believe. Often it is a matter of identifying graphics, elements, frames, etc. For example, HTML code already provides the "Alt Text" tag for graphics which some designers simply forget or ignore.

Won't accessible Web sites be less appealing?
On the contrary, accessible sites have several advantages. For one thing, some people turn off graphics so sites will load faster. Without "alt" tags, graphics-intense sites may be unusable. Also, with the growth of PDAs, and even Web site content delivered to cell phones, having text-based content is becoming more important. Because the screens on such devices are so small, graphics will probably never be a viable option. So the busy executive, waiting in an airport, who wants to check her stock portfolio on her cell phone isn't going to turn to the graphics-only site. Furthermore, with the growth of voice technology the harried commuter can have the headlines from his favorite news site read to him, but only if there is a text-based content. Finally, if a digitized video has synchronized captions, the text can be searched.

What does the law mean by "accessible'?
The standards developed by the Access Board explain the detailed technical and functional performance criteria that will determine whether a technology product or system is `accessible.'
In general, an information technology system is accessible to people with disabilities if it can be used in a variety of ways that do not depend on a single sense or ability. For example, a system that provides output only in audio format would not be accessible to people with hearing impairments, and a system that requires mouse actions to navigate would not be accessible to people who cannot use a mouse because of a dexterity or visual impairment. Section 508 focuses on the overall accessibility of electronic and information technology systems, not on providing accommodations at individual worksites. Section 501 of the Rehabilitation Act requires Federal agencies to provide reasonable accommodations for individuals with disabilities; it generally covers individual worksites but not overall technology systems. Even with an accessible system, individuals with disabilities may still need specific accessibility-related software or peripheral devices as an accommodation to be able to use it. For example, in order to use an accessible word-processing program, a person who is blind may need add-on software that reads text aloud; if the word-processing program could not be made compatible with a screen-reading program, it might not be accessible.

How does Section 508 apply to other Federal laws?
Section 508 in no way replaces or otherwise limits the rights or remedies available under any other existing Federal law that protects the rights of people with disabilities. As part of the Rehabilitation Act, it clarifies and strengthens the Federal government's existing obligation to ensure that technology is accessible to people with disabilities.

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 covers a wide range of recommendations for making Web content more accessible. Following these guidelines will make content accessible to a wider range of people with disabilities, including blindness and low vision, deafness and hearing loss, learning disabilities, cognitive limitations, limited movement, speech disabilities, photosensitivity and combinations of these. Following these guidelines will also often make your Web content more usable to users in general.

WCAG 2.0 refers to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, which are published by the World Wide Web Consortium's (W3C) Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI). The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 provide recommendations for making Web content more accessible.

By following these guidelines, UC will make content more accessible to a wide range of people with disabilities, including blindness and low vision, deafness and hearing loss, learning disabilities, cognitive limitations, limited movement, speech disabilities, photosensitivity and combinations of these. In addition, these guidelines will often make Web content more usable to everyone in general.

WCAG 2.0 is developed through the W3C process in cooperation with individuals and organizations around the world, with a goal of providing a shared standard for Web content accessibility that meets the needs of individuals, organizations, and governments internationally. WCAG 2.0 builds on WCAG 1.0 and is designed to apply broadly to different Web technologies now and in the future, and to be testable with a combination of automated testing and human evaluation.

WCAG 2.0 is based on four main guiding principles of accessibility known by the acronym POUR perceivable, operable, understandable, and robust.

The Perceivability Principle

Principle 1: WCAG requires web content to be perceivable to users. Information and user interface components must be presented in a way that all users can recognize and understand. One of the biggest barriers to perceivability is content that is only available in visual or in audio format.

Principle 2: Operable - User interface components and navigation must be operable. If you follow Principle 1 guidelines, visitors will be able to perceive the content of your Web site.

Principle 3: is about increasing the odds that visitors actually understand the content. Just because content is written in your own language does not make the content understandable. For example, a page may contain: Unfamiliar words or abbreviations.

The Robustness Principle Robustness, as defined by WCAG, refers specifically to web content that is compatible with a variety of “user agents”: browsers, assistive technologies, and other means of accessing web content.

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.1 AA) covers a wide range of recommendations for making Web content more accessible. Following these guidelines will make content more accessible to a wider range of people with disabilities, including accommodations for blindness and low vision, deafness and hearing loss, limited movement, speech disabilities, photosensitivity, and combinations of these, and some accommodation for learning disabilities and cognitive limitations; but will not address every user need for people with these disabilities. These guidelines address accessibility of web content on desktops, laptops, tablets, and mobile devices. Following these guidelines will also often make Web content more usable to users in general.

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.1 AA) defines how to make Web content more accessible to people with disabilities. Accessibility involves a wide range of disabilities, including visual, auditory, physical, speech, cognitive, language, learning, and neurological disabilities.

This ultimate WCAG 2.1 AA provides a simplified explanation of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) and the most important accessibility requirements that website owners, designers, developers, product managers, and organizations need to follow. By using this checklist, users can easily refer to the key points and ensure that their digital products and services comply with accessibility standards, thereby improving the user experience for all visitors, including those with disabilities, and reducing the risk of legal liabilities.

WCAG 2.1 AA consists of a set of technology independent guidelines and success criteria to help make web content accessible to, and usable by, persons with disabilities. They provide advice to web content authors, designers and developers on ensuring that the resources they produce are as accessible as possible to as many people as possible, regardless of any disability they have; for example, visual impairment, hearing loss, learning difficulties, age related limitations, amongst others.

For example, describing an image (or any other non-text content) by using the alt attribute in HTML greatly benefits people who are blind or partially sighted. The textual description in the alt attribute can either be converted into speech output or transmitted to electronic refreshable braille displays.

Additionally, WCAG 2.1 AA can result in advantages for other beneficiaries, including people who may be considered situationally disabled. People who, because of circumstances such as browsing technology, network connection speed or browsing environment, may experience barriers similar to people with disabilities.

Using Adobe Experience Manager, content authors and/or website owners can create web content that meets relevant WCAG 2.1 AA Level A and Level AA success criteria.

Therefore, understanding the aims of WCAG 2.1 AA and how the guidelines are structured is an important part of understanding web accessibility and how the guidelines can help in creating accessible web content.

The intention of WCAG 2.1 AA is to provide guidelines that:

Are technology-agnostic:

In other words, guidelines that can be applied to a range of web content formats, not just HTML. So WCAG 2.1 AA can cover content generated by or provided in PDF, Flash, JavaScript and other current and future web technologies.

Are testable:

Each guideline is written in such a way that it can be objectively tested to ensure that a group of accessibility experts would generally agree that the guideline has been met. One of the challenges of accessibility guidelines is that while some can be technically testable, others require human judgment to ascertain whether or not the guideline has been successfully met.

Support prioritized and contextual implementation:

WCAG 2.1 AA guidelines are given priorities, relating to the likely impact of not following a guideline on a particular group of users with disabilities. This allows authors to make an informed decision on the most important guidelines for their particular situation. In addition, the concept of accessibility supported is introduced. This allows authors to make decisions on how best to use web technologies that may not have full accessibility support, or may require users to have specific assistive technologies and/or browsers in order to benefit from accessibility features.

PDF/UA (PDF/Universal Accessibility), formally ISO 14289, is an International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standard for accessible PDF technology. A technical specification intended for developers implementing PDF writing and processing software, PDF/UA provides definitive terms and requirements for accessibility in PDF documents and applications. For those equipped with appropriate software, conformance with PDF/UA ensures accessibility for people with disabilities who use assistive technology such as screen readers, screen magnifiers, joysticks and other technologies to navigate and read electronic content.

The PDF/UA standard (Universal Accessibility) The standard contains specifications for accessible PDF documents, as well as conforming PDF readers and assistive technologies. The goal of the PDF/UA standard is for everyone to be able to independently access information contained within a PDF document.

  • Benefits of PDF/UA
  • Clear technical requirements.
  • Clearly defined and well-documented requirements that serve as orientation for developers, implementers, service providers and procurers.

Guaranteed compatibility:

Relevant software, hardware and digital documents can work together as effectively as possible – provided they comply with the standard.

Basis for defined machine checks:

108 machine verified success criteria defined in the so-called Matterhorn Protocol are a good basis for reliable validation of accessible PDF documents.

Best possible user experience:

PDF/UA compliant documents deliver the best possible user experience of PDFs for people with disabilities and users of mobile devices.

Fully addresses the PDF format:

Bringing the principles of WCAG into the world of PDF and setting PDF-specific rules.

Content prepared for mobile view and re-use:

Future-proof presentation of content with rich semantics and machine-readability and advanced adaptability options, such as mobile view.

Product and company independent:

As a global and independent product standard, PDF/UA guarantees comparable checking results and reliable requirements on which end-users should focus when choosing software.

Globally accepted and implemented:

Initially published in 2012, PDF/UA is now an accepted and widely used part of the digital accessibility and PDF ecosystem and referenced in legislation..

Focus on technical accessibility:

WCAG already covers all content and layout-related aspects of digital accessibility. PDF/UA, therefore, focuses on the technical aspects.

Equal access to content for everyone:

Every document is usable, readable and accessible for all users – no matter what disability they may have.

PDF/UA is an important step forward for PDF accessibility. Only an international standard will make it possible for authoring software, validation tools, browsers and assistive technology such as screen readers to accept the required technical specifications. PDF/UA creates a clear set of requirements which both software developers and PDF creators can use. And finally, this international standard gives a reference for legislators around the world.

What is PDF Conversion?
PDF Conversion is a service that provides an easy way to convert Microsoft Word and any files in a few other formats to PDF files.

Why should I use PDF files?
PDF (Portable Document Format) is a file format designed to solve the problem of transporting a file from one software application to another. Your PDF document will look the way you want it to - regardless of the type of computer or operating system the person you're sharing it with has installed. In addition, PDF files are very useful when you don't want the person you're sharing with to change the contents of your document (such as, when it's an invoice, receipt, or other legal document).

If I send a file for PDF Conversion, what will happen to my file? Will you respect my privacy?
We keep the PDF file on our system for a few days so that you can pick it up at your convenience, but after that, we completely delete your document from our system. We absolutely respect your privacy - we do not even look at your documents unless you give us explicit permission to do so.

I just submitted my file to be converted, what now?
Your document gets process by our conversion team as soon as you submit it, and the conversion process usually starts immediately.
When the conversion is finished, you get final files as a result. Or, if something went wrong (for example, if the input document is password-protected, and we can't open it), our project management team will let you know about the problem.

What fonts are supported?
The PDF conversion supports the standard fonts that come shipped with Word (Arial, Book Antiqua, Bookman Old Style, Century Gothic, Comic Sans MS, Courier, Courier New, Garamond, Impact, Marlett, Monotype Corsiva, Symbol, Tahoma, Times New Roman, Trebuchet MS, Verdana, Webdings, WingDings). If you make use of a font the system doesn't yet support, it will either substitute a similar font (if it can).
If you want to make sure your document gets converted with all its fonts intact, you should do what's known as "embedding the fonts you use into your document" before submitting your document to our services. Exact details of how to do this depends on your version of Word, but the general idea is to:
  • Open your doc in Word
  • Go to Tools >> Options and click on the “Save” tab.
  • You should see a checkbox marked “Embed TrueType Fonts” — check it.
  • Save your document again.
Then submit the doc to us.

I want to convert a PDF to a Microsoft Word document or HTML – do you provide this service?

I have a Microsoft Word document that's very large, can I convert it?

I'd like to insert hyperlinks into my PDF file, can you do this?

The page breaks in the PDF file don't match the ones in my Word document. What’s happening?
A few of our clients have this problem. Sometimes it is caused by differing versions of Word being used, but most often is either because the fonts we're using don't match yours in all particulars, or because we don't have a font you're using. In the latter case, we sometimes substitute another font that's similar but not identical to the one you've used - and if the substituted font is bigger or smaller, the effect can sometimes be enough to cause a page to break a line away from where you thought it would.
How do I perform the basic functions of Microsoft Word, such as Open, Save, and Print?
If you click the FILE tab at the top left of the Microsoft Word window, you will find the main Word functions, such as: New, Save, Save As, Open, Close, and Print.

Is there a way to create shortcuts to these MSWord Funtions?
Yes. Above the File tab is the Quick Access Toolbar. You can customize this toolbar to display the shortcuts that you most frequently use from the list provided. You can customize this toolbar to display the shortcuts that you most frequently use from the list provided. If you click on the small down arrow on the edge of the toolbar, a list of the most common shortcuts are displayed. You can choose shortcuts from this list or if you want a more in-depth selection, click on the MORE COMMANDS option. You can then add more shortcuts from the window that pops up.

What is the Ribbon?
The Ribbon runs along the top of the application window and is the replacement for the menus and toolbars that were commonplace in previous versions of Microsoft Word. The Ribbon has several tabs and each tab has its own groups of commands. The Home tab is where the most common Word formatting takes place, such as changing fonts, paragraph alignment, and line spacing. But if, for example, you wanted to insert a graphic or table into your document, you would click on the INSERT tab.

Ho do I insert a table into a Word Document?
To insert a table into your document, navigate to the part of the document where you want the table to appear. Once there, click on the INSERT tab on the Ribbon. Then, click the TABLE button. A drop-down menu will extend that will let you insert an on-the-fly table (where you highlight the grid on the menu with the number of rows/columns that you require), a custom table (where you choose the Insert Table option), or a quick table (where you select a table template from the Quick Table menu).

How do I insert page numbers into mulitple Document?
Click on the INSERT tab on the Ribbon. In the Header & Footer command group, click on the PAGE NUMBER button. From the drop-down menu that extends, you can choose where you want the page numbers to display on the page and whether you want them to be centered or aligned left or right. You may also choose different numbering formats, such as Roman numerals, by clicking on the FORMAT PAGE NUMBERS option.

I have a Microsoft Word Document with a .docx extension at the end and I can't open it. I am running Microsoft Word 2003. What should I do?
Files with a .docx extension have been created in Microsoft Word 2007 or a later version. In order to view and edit these files, you need to install either Microsoft Office 2007 or higher, or the Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack. You can download the Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack free of charge from the Microsoft Download Center at http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/default.aspx.

I am using Microsoft Word 2010 and I would like to save a document as a PDF file. Is this possible?
Yes. Click on the the FILE tab at the top left of Microsoft Word. Then, click on the little arrow to the right of Save As. In the Save as type list, if you see a PDF option, then your computer already has the add-in for this function and you can save your file as a PDF by selecting that option. If you see a Find add-ins for other file formats option, then click on that as it means that you need to install the add-in. Note: You will need Internet access as a download is required. Follow the on-screen instructions to download and install the add-in. Once this has been completed, you will be able to save in PDF format.

How do I change the default font in Word 2010?
The default font in Word 2010 is Calibri and the default font size is 11 point. To change the default font, click the FONT dialog box launcher on the Font group under the Home tab. Then, click the FONT tab within the dialog box. Select the font options that you want to apply to the default font. Click the DEFAULT button at the bottom of the dialog box, and then click YES. The next time you open a new document in Word 2010, you will see your changes.
What is the need in converting data into electronic formats?
Data stored in paper is cumbersome to make use of and has slower retrieval rate. Data entry, data processing and data conversion help in getting over our dependence on paper for data storage. The monetary and temporal savings accrued due to these services is indeed noteworthy.

What is outsourcing? Why is it better to outsource ones data entry/data processing/data conversion processes?
Outsourcing is the concept or the idea of transferring internal company function performance to external firms, especially those that operate from countries that offer a reasonable price advantage for the quality offered.

The benefits of outsourcing are many, as listed below:
  • Helps you make tremendous cuts in operating costs.
  • Engage staff in core competencies, rather than for non-essential tasks like data entry.
  • Get experts to work on these back-office tasks.
  • Helps you stay ahead of competition that is yet to fully internalize outsourcing into its operations.
  • Outsourcing helps in polishing your back-office tasks due to handling by experts and thereby drawing client appreciation.
  • Helps in achieving a structured growth pattern, through focused efforts.
  • Will always fare better than in-house operations in technology adoption, digitization, related software deployment etc.

Delineate your areas of expertise?
We have sound and tested expertise in the following areas of data content management paradigms:
  • Data Entry Services
  • Data Processing Services
  • Data Conversion Services
  • Image Scanning and Indexing
  • Data Capturing Services
  • Form Processing Services
  • Data Mining Services
  • Insurance Claim Processing
  • Data Cleansing
  • Check Processing
  • PDF Conversion
  • Book Conversion
  • XML Conversion
  • And many more

What is the process you follow as a part of your pre-sales efforts?
Once you have made an inquiry, you will be responded to immediately by our sales team. We shall send you a detailed profile of your project as understood by us, a price estimate and other related technical specifics.

What is the process you follow as a part of your post-sales efforts?
On order confirmation, we carve out the scope of the task, based on consultation with the clients. This scope is nothing but the composite task definition, based on its technical and functional specifications. We also provide you with the time frame for completion of task and the event points in the process map we have charted out.

How does the client keep track of the progress of his/her project?
The project, after confirmation, comes under the complete purview of the Project Manager. He/She is available at all times for all your queries and information updates about your project. Moreover, we have a 24 hour helpline to keep you in the loop regarding the development on your project. We will have a progress report sent to you on a weekly or biweekly.

What are the communication means that you are accessible from?
We can be contacted through phone, fax, email and post.

What is the average turnaround time for projects?
We have flexible turnaround time schemes that are authored for client benefits. For work involving high volumes, there is a need for a minimum time for launching the task. By default, the tasks are finished as quickly as possible and usually faster than the average industry timeframes.

What is done with the documents and data sources after the service provider has finished working on them?
That depends on what the client wants to be done about it while the associated documents stay with us safely until such guidance arrives from the client’s side.

Any price difference between data conversion from original image and the same image that’s emailed in an electronic format?
No, there is no price difference.

Any price difference between data entry of alphabetic and numeric characters?
No, there is no price difference.

Do you have any quality control measures to minimize errors?
Yes, we have strict quality control measures in place.

Do you offer free trial?
Yes, it is offered as one of the ways by which the client can estimate our quality.

Do you have a strong data security policy in place?
Yes. Our data security policy is impregnable to any data security attacks.