PDF/UA (PDF/Universal Accessibility) services to us

PDF/UA (PDF/Universal Accessibility), formally ISO 14289, is an International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standard for accessible PDF technology. A technical specification intended for developers implementing PDF writing and processing software, PDF/UA provides definitive terms and requirements for accessibility in PDF documents and applications. For those equipped with appropriate software, conformance with PDF/UA ensures accessibility for people with disabilities who use assistive technology such as screen readers, screen magnifiers, joysticks and other technologies to navigate and read electronic content.

The PDF/UA standard (Universal Accessibility) The standard contains specifications for accessible PDF documents, as well as conforming PDF readers and assistive technologies. The goal of the PDF/UA standard is for everyone to be able to independently access information contained within a PDF document.

  • Benefits of PDF/UA
  • Clear technical requirements.
  • Clearly defined and well-documented requirements that serve as orientation for developers, implementers, service providers and procurers.

Guaranteed compatibility:

Relevant software, hardware and digital documents can work together as effectively as possible – provided they comply with the standard.

Basis for defined machine checks:

108 machine verified success criteria defined in the so-called Matterhorn Protocol are a good basis for reliable validation of accessible PDF documents.

Best possible user experience:

PDF/UA compliant documents deliver the best possible user experience of PDFs for people with disabilities and users of mobile devices.

Fully addresses the PDF format:

Bringing the principles of WCAG into the world of PDF and setting PDF-specific rules.

Content prepared for mobile view and re-use:

Future-proof presentation of content with rich semantics and machine-readability and advanced adaptability options, such as mobile view.

Product and company independent:

As a global and independent product standard, PDF/UA guarantees comparable checking results and reliable requirements on which end-users should focus when choosing software.

Globally accepted and implemented:

Initially published in 2012, PDF/UA is now an accepted and widely used part of the digital accessibility and PDF ecosystem and referenced in legislation..

Focus on technical accessibility:

WCAG already covers all content and layout-related aspects of digital accessibility. PDF/UA, therefore, focuses on the technical aspects.

Equal access to content for everyone:

Every document is usable, readable and accessible for all users – no matter what disability they may have.

PDF/UA is an important step forward for PDF accessibility. Only an international standard will make it possible for authoring software, validation tools, browsers and assistive technology such as screen readers to accept the required technical specifications. PDF/UA creates a clear set of requirements which both software developers and PDF creators can use. And finally, this international standard gives a reference for legislators around the world.