Section 508 Compliance

Section 508, an amendment to the United States Workforce Rehabilitation Act of 1973, is a federal law mandating that all electronic and information technology developed, procured, maintained, or used by the federal government be accessible to people with disabilities
While performing your localization project, we ensure all alt text is translated to provide accessible information for images and multimedia. We translate all headings and labels appropriately to describe the topic or purpose of the content and to maintain Section 508 compliance. We maintain consistent translations to comply with Section 508 mandates that all elements of the digital content be consistently identifiable

What are the 508 Compliance Solutions that we offer?

eDigiserve content technologists and compliance experts designed and implemented a seven-step workflow for efficiently creating multilingual 508-compliant documents. The solution was engineered and integrated with minimal impact on the company’s existing content production workflows.

  1. Conduct a prefight review process for each new set of documents to understand the client‐ specific 508 regulations.
  2. Process the PDF as a form (if needed); add accessible form fields
  3. Tag the PDF alt tags, long descriptions, and tab orders; format tables and text; create long descriptions for flow charts, graphs, and other complex graphics.
  4. Evaluate the document for reading order problems, tagging errors, and accessibility errors; repair as needed
  5. Include document settings such as tab order and document language, bookmarks, and accessible links.
  6. Edit the documents’ tag tree, such as fixing tables and complex reading order, to prepare the documents for delivery
  7. Perform quality control using eDigiserve proprietary Accessibility Checker software, which evaluates technical requirements for accessibility, then tests the functional accessibility of each documents with the same tools and devices that readers will use.

What are the benefits of outsourcing 508 Compliance services?

If you outsource your 508 Compliance Service to us which required expertise then you can easily cut your costs to a large extent. Creating 508 Compliance Documents take a lot of time. There is a lot of manual tagging and checkup involved, it may not be profitable for you to keep your manpower engaged in such cumbersome tasks. If you outsource your 508 Compliance Service tasks to a specialized agency like us, then you can utilize your employees in doing different productive work.

Why should choose us for 508 Compliance services?

  • We guarantee all its customers the best quality and accurate work within the required timeline.
  • We respect your confidentiality as it is interested in a long term relationship with its customers.
  • The organization can boast of its rich repository of professional workforce having relevant expertise.
  • eDigiserve is also known for its principles to adhere to deadlines and commitments.
  • It has strict audit measures to ensure that the quality of service offered is the best.
  • The rates offered by the organization for its services are extremely reasonable.